Do You Need a Wrongful Death Lawyer? 
Experiencing the loss of someone you love can be a heartbreaking process, and it can be even tougher to think about how you’ll face the future without them by your side. At The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C., we understand that the grieving process is different for everyone and that it’s never easy.
Each Washington DC wrongful death lawyer from our firm is dedicated to providing legal counsel to Washington DC residents dealing with personal injuries and wrongful deaths. Still opening our firm, we have been fully focused on advancing the interests of our clients and helping them cope with catastrophic events. We have seen first-hand just how devastating a single accident can be for an entire family and even for an entire community. If another person or organization was directly responsible for causing the death of your loved one, you may be able to file a wrongful death claim on their behalf — and The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C. may be able to help.
Wrongful Death Lawsuits
Many people hesitate to take legal action after their loved one dies because they do not wish to be involved in a long court proceeding. This is especially true if another person’s intentional violence caused the death of their loved one and the family is already dealing with a criminal case. However, what many people don’t realize is that it’s fairly common for wrongful death claims to be settled before they reach the courtroom. Families can hire a wrongful death lawyer to file a claim, put together a strong case, and negotiate with the defendant. These negotiations often take place during informal arbitration or mediation. If these discussions are not successful, having a case that’s ready to go to court — and a wrongful death lawyer who understands how the local court system will proceed — can be incredibly beneficial.
The time it takes to complete a wrongful death claim and the exact damages that may be included in a settlement will depend on circumstantial factors. It’s best to speak with a wrongful death lawyer before taking legal action so you can get a better idea of what your claim may look like.
Contact The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C.
At The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C., we’ve seen many clients come into our office unsure of how they wish to proceed after the death of a close relative. Sometimes there’s no legal remedy for what they have experienced, but sometimes it’s possible to collect financial damages for their pain and suffering. We understand that you may be feeling confused and hesitant about filing a lawsuit, and we’re not here to pressure you into doing something that you don’t want to do. Our team is available to meet with you in person to discuss your situation and to see if pursuing a wrongful death claim might be in your best interests. If you choose to pursue this option, a wrongful death lawyer from our firm who is experienced in handling wrongful death suits may begin filing a claim in court and organizing your case.
An initial consultation with The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C. is always free and there is never any obligation to take legal action if you choose not to. Call us today to schedule a consultation with a wrongful death lawyer Washington DC clients recommend.