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DUI Attorney When charged with a DWI or DUI, your first concern may be your license. Everyone makes mistakes, but when it comes to traffic violations, driving under the influence is more likely to cause you to lose your license than other charges. What you may wonder is whether you can keep your license after…

Criminal Offenses Attorney in DC Being arrested for drunk driving is a costly experience, financially, emotionally and logistically. You will experience attorney fees, court costs and other penalties that may include jail time. However, a more immediate for those who are convicted of a DUI or DWI is the loss of your license, which can…

Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer In Washington, DC Following a DWI charge, you may wonder whether or not it will be constituted as a felony or a misdemeanor. After all, the differences between the two are significant and can determine whether or not you will be sentenced to harsher penalties such as jail time or a…

Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer Washington, DC You might already know of the immediate consequences a DUI can have on your life, but what you might not understand are the long term repercussions of this offense. As a DUI lawyer might explain to you, one DUI charge can affect your driver’s license, employment options, and insurance…

Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer DC If you are pulled over and the police officer asks you to take a breath, blood, urine, or another type of field sobriety test, do you have to comply? If you refuse, what happens? When a police officer believes a driver is under the influence of alcohol, they will likely…

Motorists in the District of Columbia may be interested to learn about a new study that demonstrates Uber use has resulted in a decrease in DUI fatalities. Taxi companies, by contrast, do not show a similar drop in areas where they are available. Researchers at Temple University reviewed data from California spanning the years of…

Thanks to national law enforcement campaigns and organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Driving, people in general have a better understanding of the effects alcohol can have on a person’s ability to drive. Because of their efforts, a lot of people think twice before making the negligent decision to drink and drive. But despite the fact…

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