Pursuing Justice After a Car Accident

If you were recently involved in an accident, then you can rely on our DC car accident lawyer. It is almost impossible for two car accidents to be the same. After you file a car accident report with your insurance company, their biggest concern will be how the collision occurred and who is at fault. By pinpointing the cause of the accident, it can help prove that the other driver was responsible.

Figuring out what caused the crash can be difficult, as you only saw it unfold through your eyes. Perhaps you know the other driver was to blame, but what variables led them to collide into you? It is often a combination of you, your insurance company, and your lawyer who will be trying to answer this question. Contact The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C. today to schedule your consultation.

car accident lawyer DC

Table of Contents

What To Expect Following A Car Accident

Not every car accident results in police reports or insurance claims, But if there is enough damage or the injuries are severe, you should call the police and the other party’s insurance company will likely become involved. The at-fault party’s insurance company will open a claim and investigate the case to determine how much the company should pay. There may even be legal repercussions for the responsible party. The process can be long, complicated, and stressful. That’s why you should call our office to schedule a free and confidential consultation. We will discuss your case with you and advise you on your legal options.

Common Car Accident Injuries

Our attorneys are well-versed in motor vehicle laws as well as the rights of personal injury victims. Regardless of your particular type of injury, talk to us about how a car accident lawyer can protect your rights. Some of the most common types of injuries that can occur from a car accident include broken limbs, neck injuries, spinal cord damage, and more.

Arms and legs are at high risk for injury in an auto accident. This type of injury is not always simple, especially if it involves a compound fracture as there is a high risk of infection. Also, if the leg or arm does not heal correctly or completely, it can form a permanent injury.

A neck injury can be fatal or can lead to permanent disability if it does not heal completely. A car accident lawyer DC commuters rely on for legal representation from our firm can call upon medical experts to provide testimony after reviewing your medical condition.

This type of injury is difficult to treat and the treatments are long and costly. If someone else caused your car accident that led to this type of injury, it’s imperative to talk with a car accident lawyer DC residents recommend. The sooner a skilled attorney can begin work on your case, the better.

Distracted Driving Accidents

Our team knows that distracted driving is almost at epidemic proportions in this country, with far too many drivers focusing too much on other things instead of the road in front of them.

It may come as no surprise to read that texting and driving is one of the leading reasons that car collisions occur. In fact, according to the National Safety Council (NSC), driving while using a cell phone is the cause of more than 1.5 million car accidents each year. This means that one out of every four vehicle accidents is caused by a driver who is engaged in some kind of activity with their cell phone.

All it takes is a fraction of a second to look at your phone before you unknowingly crash into another car. Just seconds of averting your eyes from the vehicle in front of you to your phone is all it takes for you to miss that that vehicle has slowed down or come to a sudden stop. Many people think they are good at multitasking behind the wheel and may think it’s no big deal to text and drive or make a phone call. However, most of them are very wrong and may not change their ways until they cause a serious accident.

Aside from being on the cell phone, there are other ways that someone could be distracted while driving, such as eating, talking with a passenger, or playing with the radio. As stated above, it doesn’t take long for a crash to happen if someone peels their eyes away from the road momentarily. If you believe the other driver was distracted in some way, let your insurance company and attorney know so a more in-depth investigation can be performed.

How to Recognize a Distracted Driver so You Can Avoid Driving Near Them

It is important to always operate your vehicle defensively. This includes being aware of other drivers around you who may be engaged in distracted driving activities or behaviors. Some signs are obvious, such as a driver who suddenly takes a turn or swerves in the lane in front of you without using a turn signal. This often happens because while one hand is on the vehicle’s wheel, the driver’s other hand is holding a cell phone and they are unable to properly signal to other drivers what they plan on turning or changing lanes.

Another sign that a driver is not paying full attention to the road is if they slow down and then speed up and they keep hitting their brakes. This is usually a sign that they are not paying attention to the road and are forced to stop quickly because they were unaware of the slowdown.

If you have been injured in an accident caused by a distracted driver, your DC car accident lawyer may be able to help prove that the driver was at fault for the crash. Not only can eyewitnesses to the crash testify that they may have seen the driver’s actions leading up to the crash, but an attorney can also subpoena the driver’s cell phone records to see if the phone was being used – calls, texts, emails, apps, etc. – when the crash occurred.

Driving While Intoxicated

Under no circumstances should anyone get behind the steering wheel of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. If a drunk driver caused the car crash, then you have a right to pursue compensation from them for losses and damages. At our Washington, DC auto accident law firm, our team can help you seek monetary restitution for what you have endured.

Speeding and Recklessness

Speed limits are decided and posted in an area for a reason. These speed restrictions allow the road to remain safe while reducing the occurrence of car accidents. If the other driver who hit you was being reckless and speeding, they may be held liable.

Driving While Drowsy

The types of drivers who are most often guilty of driving while drowsy are truck drivers. These people must be behind the wheel of a large commercial truck for many hours at a time, and may not give themselves sufficient rest and meal breaks. This can result in them falling asleep while driving and then waking up to find themselves part of a serious wreck. If you suspect the driver who hit you had fallen asleep while driving, you must notify your attorney.

How Our Car Accident Lawyer Can Help You

It’s never a good idea to try to file a car accident claim yourself or reach an agreement with insurance companies on your own. The laws in DC regarding car accident lawsuits are complex, and mistakes can be costly. How can having a trustworthy car accident lawyer in DC help you? There are many benefits.

  • Guiding You Through the Litigation Process

Having an experienced legal professional advise you helps you know what to do next. When you’ve gone through a serious car accident, and especially if family members were injured as well, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed and upset emotionally. Making decisions in that frame of mind isn’t easy, but with a car accident lawyer by your side, you can focus on taking care of your health and your family.

Our goal is to give you peace of mind. We help guide you through the claims process, explaining your options in clear terms and showing you the pros and cons of each one. We’re friendly and patient, and we’re happy to answer your questions.

  • Evaluating Insurance Company Settlements

The main goal of insurance companies is to look out for their bottom line. If another driver’s insurance company offers you a settlement, you can nearly be sure that they’re trying to pay you less than what you deserve for the accident.

Sadly, this can even happen with your own insurance company. Signing a settlement agreement prevents you from taking the company or the driver to court in the future, so it’s important to review any documents with your lawyer before you sign anything.

  • Negotiating With Insurers on Your Behalf

In addition to checking any settlement offers you receive, we can also negotiate directly with insurers on your behalf as needed. We have a lot of experience in the field of car accident litigation, and we can tell when insurers are trying to lowball you or get out of paying you fair compensation.

This matters because any settlement you accept should cover all of your needs related to the accident, including potential injuries that you haven’t noticed yet. Imagine signing away your right to sue because you feel alright now, but then discovering in a few years that you have chronic pain or other health problems due to the crash. 

  • Gathering Evidence and Representing You in Court

Proving that the other party was at fault for an accident or was acting negligently requires gathering evidence. This may include speaking with witnesses and preparing supporting documents. In addition to evidence of liability, claims also require evidence of damages, such as lost wages or medical expenses. Your car accident lawyer can help gather all of these pieces of evidence for your court case.

DC Car Accident Infographic

How Can A Car Accident Attorney In DC Help You?

DC Car Accident Lawyer Statistics

In 2010, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics shared that 31.9% of accidental deaths were attributed to car accidents. While the numbers have fluctuated over the years due to increased safety measures and decreases or increases in traffic flow, car accidents are still a large percentage of accidental deaths. Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to suffer from a serious injury as a result of a car accident. And sadly, it’s a fact that not every driver who causes an accident is willing to take responsibility for their actions.

DC Car Accident FAQs

If you have been injured in a car accident, consult a DC car accident lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about car accident lawyers.

What Is A Car Accident Lawyer?

A car accident lawyer is a legal professional specializing in cases related to motor vehicle accidents. Their primary role is to help individuals navigate the complexities of personal injury claims resulting from car accidents. If you’ve been involved in a car crash, a lawyer can assist you in understanding your rights, negotiating with insurance companies, and ensuring you receive fair compensation for injuries and damages.

How Do I Know That I Need a Car Accident Lawyer? 

Depending on the situation, accidents can be settled out of court. In these cases, there might not be as much damage and what the insurance company offers might be reasonable. You may even be willing to pay small out-of-pocket expenses if they are less than the cost of hiring an attorney. However, if you find yourself struggling through the process, it might make sense to hire a lawyer. Some reasons why you might retain legal counsel include that you know you are going to pay large out-of-pocket costs, you were injured in the accident, or you are having issues with insurance companies.

When Should I Hire A Car Accident Lawyer?

It’s advisable to consult with a lawyer as soon as possible after the incident. Early involvement allows the lawyer to gather crucial evidence, communicate with insurance companies on your behalf, and ensure that you meet any legal deadlines for filing a claim. Even if you’re unsure about pursuing legal action, a consultation with a lawyer can provide valuable insights into your case.

What Types Of Compensation Can A Car Accident Lawyer Help Me Pursue?

A skilled car accident lawyer can help you seek various types of compensation, including medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, pain and suffering, and in some cases, punitive damages. They will assess the specifics of your case to determine the appropriate compensation you may be entitled to and work diligently to secure it.

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Car Accident Lawyer?

Many car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means they only get paid if you receive compensation for your case. Typically, the fee is a percentage of the settlement or court award. It’s essential to discuss the fee arrangement during the initial consultation to ensure transparency and avoid any surprises down the road.

What Should I Bring To The Initial Consultation With A Car Accident Lawyer?

To make the most of your initial consultation, gather all relevant documents related to the accident. This may include the police report, medical records, photographs of the scene, and any correspondence with insurance companies. Providing these details will help the lawyer better understand your case and offer informed advice.

How Long Does It Take To Resolve A Car Accident Case?

The duration of a car accident case can vary based on several factors, such as the complexity of the case, the extent of injuries, and the cooperation of involved parties. Some cases may be resolved relatively quickly through negotiation, while others may require litigation, extending the timeline. A car accident lawyer can provide a more accurate estimate based on the specifics of your situation.

Can I Handle A Car Accident Claim Without A Lawyer?

While it’s possible to handle a car accident claim on your own, it’s not recommended, especially if you’ve suffered injuries. Insurance companies have teams of adjusters and lawyers working to protect their interests. A car accident lawyer can level the playing field, advocating for your rights and ensuring you receive fair compensation.

What Should I Do If I Am in a Car Accident?

It is crucial to hire an experienced car accident lawyer if you are ever involved in a car accident. But what should you do at the scene of the accident? In the immediate aftermath of an accident, pull over to safety, check yourself and others for injuries, call an ambulance to the scene of the accident, take photos of the accident scene, call the police to obtain a police report, exchange information with the other driver, and get medical attention.

It is important to take all of these steps so that you can be safe and taken care of. Some of these will be crucial if you decide to file a lawsuit against the other driver. For example, a police report will offer an unbiased report about what likely happened at the accident. By getting yourself evaluated for injuries by your primary care physician, you are also adding to a pile of evidence that there were issues because of the accident. Even if you feel fine, your doctor will write a detailed report about what happened, which may be good evidence in court in the future. Your doctor can also speculate what kind of injuries may manifest in the future because of the accident. This will be crucial if something does come up later. 

What Kind of Compensation Can I File for?

There are many different problems that can arise from being in a car accident. This means that if you were involved in a car accident that happened because of someone else’s negligent actions, you should be able to get compensation. Some of the most common damages that people file for in a car accident case include: 

  • Compensation for medical bills. This can include physical therapy costs, hospital stays, expenses for surgeries, and medication costs. 
  • Compensation for damaged property. This could be your vehicle and anything inside your vehicle that was damaged or destroyed in the accident. 
  • Compensation for lost wages due to missed work. If you had to step away from your job for a certain amount of time, you should be compensated for the work that you missed. If you can no longer perform the necessary tasks that you need to do for your work, you should also be compensated for the fact that you are now unable to work.
  • Damages for pain and suffering. If your accident was really bad or if your life is dramatically altered because of the car crash, you may want to consider filing for pain and suffering compensation. This is a way to punish the offending party and get some money that will help give you a little more peace of mind.

The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C., DC Car Accident Lawyers

922 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20003

Contact Our Car Accident Lawyer Today

When you need a lawyer you can trust, The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C. is here to serve the local communities of Washington DC. We know that car accident injuries can be very traumatic for victims and their families. While no amount of money can truly compensate for the pain and suffering caused by a car crash, a financial settlement may provide essential security and stability during such a difficult time. For more information about our firm, or to schedule a free case evaluation with our DC car accident lawyer, contact The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C. today at (202) 888-0953.