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Personal Injury Lawyer

If you were involved in a personal injury claim it can be very stressful, particularly if the other party claims their personal injury happened because of you or your negligence. However, just because someone brought a personal injury claim against you does not mean that you will be held responsible or found at fault. In these situations, remain as calm as possible when you hear the news, whether it is from a lawyer or from the person making the claim. Listen to the evidence they are presenting and what happened when the personal injury took place. There are a few things you can keep in mind when someone makes a personal injury case against you, so read on for more information and answers to frequently asked questions.

What Should the First Step Be After a Claim Is Filed Against You?

One of the first things you should do is contact your insurance company. If someone is suing you for a personal injury matter, your insurance company may have already been contacted, but it is never best to assume they have. Depending on your insurance coverage, you might be able to cover the damages that resulted from the accident, but it is your insurer who will be defending you once a claim has been made. In this case, you do not need to hire a lawyer to defend you unless you would prefer one on your side.

What Should I Do At the Scene Of the Accident?

Immediately after the accident has occurred, you will likely be notified by the person who got into the accident. During this time, tension and stress can be at its highest and it is not the time or place to admit fault to anything or apologize. If law enforcement is present, be sure to be polite, cooperate with them as much as possible, and make any exchange of insurance information that is needed. Any comment you make that could be construed as admitting fault and could come back later during insurance arguments. A few additional things you can do at the accident scene:

  • Take pictures to document the area
  • Examine and present any surveillance footage you might have of the area
  • See if there were witnesses present at the scene

What Will My Insurance Company Do For Me?

Typically, your insurance company will be the one negotiating any claims. Many times, your insurer can settle this claim without going to court. In some cases, if the other party is viewed as embellishing their story or lying about what happened, there will be an investigation into the accident to get all the facts.

What’s Else Can I Do?

Remember, if someone brings a personal injury claim against you that does not mean your case has been settled. Trust that your insurance company will argue and negotiate fairly on your behalf. If you have any further question regarding a personal injury claim that was brought against you, set up a meeting with a personal injury lawyer, today.



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