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Being arrested and charged with drug possession after a car accident is an incident that must be taken seriously. Many people believe they are invincible, when in fact, anyone could make an honest mistake and have it impact their life forever. Even first time offenders for drug possession can reap severe penalties, especially if drugs were found in their vehicle upon officers responding to a 911 phone call for a car accident. Whether it is true or not, this will surely look like you were also under the influence and had caused the collision to unfold.

Here is information to consider, with an emphasis as to why hiring a reputable attorney can make a difference in your case outcome: 

Common Drugs for Possession Charges
It is imperative that as soon as you are arrested, you contact a criminal defense attorney to protect you. Because sadly, many people who honestly made a mistake and regret their behavior end up suffering from long-term sentences because they spoke to police and admitted their wrongdoing before getting a chance to have an attorney present. It cannot be emphasized enough just how critical it is that you remain silent unless you are asked about your name and other identification information. Other than that, don’t speak until your attorney has arrived and consulted with you first.

Just a few examples of drugs that are commonly part of a drug possession conviction include:

  • Ketamine
  • Heroin
  • Ecstasy
  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • LSD
  • Crack
  • Methamphetamine
  • Prescription medication that belongs to someone else or was unlawfully obtained

What Your Attorney Can Do for You
All too often, people who have been accused of a crime underestimate the power of an attorney that is familiar with the world of criminal defense legalities. An attorney can investigate the incident, scrutinize the evidence brought against you, ensure that your rights weren’t violated during the arrest, advocate for you in court, and create the best possible defense based on the circumstances of your arrest. Your attorney can also fight in the courtroom to:

  • Negotiate with the judge to get your charges reduced or dropped
  • Negotiate with the judge for you to enter a drug rehabilitation program or probation instead of serving jail time
  • Advocate for your good character and other positive things you have done to show you are a contributing member of your community
  • Call forward witnesses who can attest to your character
  • Call forward witnesses who saw the car accident happen and that it wasn’t necessarily your fault
  • Build a defense that hopefully leads to a not guilty verdict, if that is possible and realistic

It must be said that if you are not completely forthcoming with your drug lawyer in San Francisco, CA about what happened, then he or she may be blindsided in court if elements of your arrest they weren’t aware of are presented by the prosecution. You would be doing yourself a disservice to lie or attempt to hide facts about the arrest that you don’t want your attorney to know about. 

Thanks to The Morales Law Firm for their insight into criminal law and drug arrests.


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