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The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C.
brain injury lawyer Washington DC

Spinal Cord Injuries and TBIs

A personal injury lawyer has seen numerous different types of injuries through their careers. These injuries range from mild cuts and bruises to severe injuries like brain damage and spinal cord injuries. If you have been involved in an accident and have received injuries then getting checked out by a doctor as soon as possible is pivotal. The doctor can inform you of any damage that has taken place to your body and put you on a rehabilitation plan. 

Once you’re aware of your injuries and believe you have a case, then it’s time to consult with our Washington DC personal injury lawyer. Our lawyers understand the different types of injuries involved in these cases and can help you to secure the damages and compensation you deserve for this harmful predicament. Some examples of different Injuries we can assist with include:

  • Brain Injuries – These injuries do not always present themselves as severe straight away. Instead, they can present themselves more over time with different effects. Your doctor will be able to explain more about these injuries, while your lawyer can fight for even higher compensation for a severe injury like this.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries – A spinal cord injury is a serious injury. This can leave people with motor skill damage and even paralysis. If you believe you have a spinal cord injury, then get checked out by your doctor immediately when you suspect this. Follow up later on with your personal injury lawyer to fight for your damages and compensation.

Spinal Cord Injuries

The medical technology necessary to reverse spinal cord injuries does not exist, but prescriptions and prostheses aid in nerve cell regeneration and nerve functionality. During the early stages of a spinal cord injury, physicians concentrate on keeping the neck still to avoid further damage, helping the patient breathe and preventing shock. Spinal cord injury patients should expect to stay in an intensive care unit.

Ways to keep spinal cord injury patients immobile include braces and soft neck collars. Medical professionals used to administer IV medications, such as methylprednisolone, to spinal injury patients. This treatment strategy could cause pneumonia, blood clots and other side effects, which is why the medical community no longer recommends it.

A personal injury lawyer may also share surgical treatment options with spinal cord injury clients. Doctors may suggest a medical surgery to remove foreign objects, fractured vertebrae or bone fragments. Other than removal, patients could undergo surgery to keep the spine stable enough to prevent deformity or pain.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Treatment options for brain injuries depend on injury severity. A patient with a mild injury may not need treatment other than rest and over-the-counter pain meds. Even with a mild brain injury, patients should have someone watch over them for signs of worsening or new symptoms.

Mild injuries may require follow-up doctor appointments so patients know when they can return to their usual daily routine. The first few days after a diagnosis, patients should take it easy on cognitive and physical activities, as they could worsen a brain injury. Patients must make sure they scale back on such activities, not refrain from them entirely. Those with moderate-to-severe brain injuries require emergency medical care to ensure they get enough oxygen and blood.

A personal injury lawyer could share stories about moderate-to-severe TBI patients who require medication. Because patients may experience seizures the first week after their injury, they may take anti-seizure medications. These prescriptions help limit further brain damage. To minimize fluid in tissues and boost urine production, medical care professionals could suggest diuretics. 

Another benefit of the medication is it eases pressure inside the brain.

Sometimes, doctors recommend putting a brain injury patient into a temporary coma to minimize the amount of oxygen the brain needs to function. Increased brain pressure may squeeze blood vessels, which could constrict the nutrients and oxygen flowing to the brain.

Spinal cord and brain injuries can change a personal injury victim’s life forever. A personal injury lawyer from our law firm may help injured parties protect their rights and receive compensation to pay for brain and spinal cord injury treatments. 

Contact Our Washington Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you have been injured severely in an accident, then seek the help of a personal injury lawyer from The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C. will help you out immensely. Our lawyers have the understanding, skills, experience, and knowledge to build a top strategy for your case. We will fight to help you receive the compensation and damages that you deserve. Consult with us now if you have been injured severely and need legal counsel.


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