Personal Injury Lawyer
Many couples prepare for the birth of their child expecting labor and delivery to be the hardest part. However, most are not prepared for the possibility of a birth injury and how this can affect the child short-term or long-term. When your child has sustained a birth injury, you should speak with an attorney as soon as you find out so that you can begin working on the legal process for filing a birth injury claim. This is important when you are trying to get compensation for the medical bills and the pain and suffering you and your child have gone through. One of the best things you can do for your child is to get them the medical treatment they need for their birth injury and find a medical professional who can help provide evidence for your legal claim. Chiropractors know that a birth injury can be scary, but they have worked with many parents to help treat their child and give them medical information they need for their legal claim.
What kind of injuries can a chiropractor help with?
One of the most common injuries that chiropractors see in their offices with children who have suffered from birth injuries is traumatic birth syndrome (TBS). When a child suffers from TBS, their spine is damaged during the delivery and there is usually nerve damage as well.
What is TBS?
TBS is any type of birth injury that forces a baby’s spine to move out of alignment. When this happens, this spinal misalignment causes pressure on the nerves known as a subluxation. This can be the result of:
· The improper use of delivery tools during birth.
· A prolonged birth process.
· The baby’s head or neck being twisted during birth.
How can a chiropractor help?
A chiropractor can help in two ways:
1. They can help diagnose and treat your child’s injuries.
2. They can help you with your legal claim.
While they primary concern is ensuring your child’s injuries are treated as soon as possible so that there is no long term damage, chiropractors have worked with many parents to ensure their legal needs are met as well. It can be traumatizing to know that the doctors who handled your child’s delivery may have acted negligently and caused your child pain, but they can help by diagnosing the issue, designing a treatment plan specific to your child’s needs, and providing medical records and testimony regarding your treatment.
When you and your attorney decide to file a claim for your child’s birth injury, you want to know you have the legal evidence to back it up. This is why you should reach out to chiropractors for physical therapy. They can treat your child’s birth injuries and offer a plan that will help them heal quickly. They can also work with you and your attorney to discuss the legal issue of the birth injury and offer any medical evidence necessary for your claim.