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Nursing Home Injuries

Nursing home injury lawyer

Living in a nursing home has many perks. For those who have slowed down a bit in life and need some extra help, a nursing home can offer guidance and care around the clock. These types of places generally serve as an assisted living facility with staff members who are trained to provide great care for their residents. As with any place of business or organization though, injuries can and do happen at nursing homes. There are many reasons why an injury could occur at a nursing home that range from mild to severe in nature. Let’s find out what kind of injuries happen and why they happen.

What Kind of Injuries Happen?

Some of the injuries that have happened to residents of nursing homes include physical injuries, mental health issues, as well as neglectful actions of staff where a resident doesn’t get the medicine they need that could lead to illness or injury. An injury may occur if staff attempt to move the resident from their bed to another bed or location incorrectly. Staff are supposed to be adequately trained or certified with experience to provide excellent care for residents. If they are failing in this, then it may be time to consider moving your loved one somewhere else or contacting a lawyer to help you out. 

Are injuries ever from neglect or abuse?

Injuries can occur from the direct abuse of nursing home staff or from actions or neglect towards residents. Direct abuse may be occurring if your loved one has unexplained bruises or changes in moods affecting their mental health. Listen to the stories of your loved one always regarding what occurs on a daily basis at the home. Their stories could be the difference between getting the care they deserve or continuing to live in agony and fear at the nursing home facility. 

Contact a Lawyer

If you or your loved one have been injured at a nursing home, then it may be time to contact a nursing home injury lawyer. Professional lawyers such as Davis & Brusca, LLC specialize in dealing with nursing homes and with different types of injuries, neglect, or abuse that occur there. They generally have ample experience and skill in nursing home law and can offer their care and services to you. Neglect and abuse can lead to injury, which is something that is unacceptable at a place that is supposed to be caring for its residents.



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