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 As the end of another school year fast approaches, college students throughout the area have been enjoying the chance to relax and recharge their energies. Spring break provides an opportunity to get away from classroom lectures, studying, and endless testing in order to blow off steam before the pressure of final exams. While some use this time to travel, others enjoy having the time to explore the local area and catch up with friends. Unfortunately, the emphasis on having fun can lead young adults to make errors in judgement and to take risks they otherwise would not. As a result, spring break accidents resulting in serious personal injuries are common. The following highlights potential dangers and ways you can protect yourself.

College Students and Car Accident Risks

According to studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), car accidents are one of the biggest risks college students face, both at spring break and over the course of the school year. As young adults, college students tend to have less experience behind the wheel. As a result, they may not be as aware of general safety precautions or how to respond when unexpected situations occur. They are also more subject to lapses in judgement, which put them, their passengers, and others on the road at risk. Among the most common causes of car accidents among college students include:

  •       Speeding and going too fast for conditions
  •       Disregarding traffic signs and signals
  •       Distracted driving, such as texting, taking pictures, using cell phones, and simply talking to other passengers in the vehicle
  •       Driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medications
  •       Driving while excessively tired and falling asleep behind the wheel

When hanging out with friends, it is important to use good judgement in assessing your own driving skills and in being cautious about who you travel with. Getting into a car with a driver who is under the influence or given to engaging in daredevil stunts could end up leaving you with serious and even life-threatening injuries.

Protecting Yourself Over Spring Break

In addition to making you a danger behind the wheel, excessive alcohol consumption or being under the influence of any substance can make you more accident prone and can cause you to take unnecessary risks. Over spring break, acts of violence and sexual assault are more common, as are accidental injuries such as slips and falls. To protect yourself, consider the following tips:

  •       Be aware of your limits when engaging in sports or other physical activities
  •       Travel with at least one or two friends, rather than going out alone
  •       Let someone know your itinerary when taking vacations or road trips
  •       Be wary of stunts and taking unnecessary risks

Reach Out Skilled Attorneys Today

A lawyer, like a personal injury lawyer in Indianapolis, IN, can advise you on how to get compensation for the damages you suffer when accidental injuries occur. 


Thanks to Ward & Ward Law Firm for their insight into personal injury cases.



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