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The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C.
car accident lawyer Washington DC

3 Disproved Myths About Car Accidents and Related Injuries

The potential for getting into a car accident is something that anyone should consider from time to time. Because almost everyone spends a substantial amount of time traveling around in their vehicle, being prepared for a possible collision can be wise. That being said, there can be a lot of misinformation out there that should not be followed in the event of an accident. Here are three commonly discussed myths about accidents and why they’re mistaken. If you require assistance with your car accident case, contact our Washington DC car accident lawyer today.

  • You Only Need Professional Help for Obvious or Serious Injury

This myth may exist because it feels intuitive for many people to skip the hospital and not bother to find a car accident lawyer in Washington DC if they have only minor injuries. While there may not be obvious, surface-level damage following an accident, it is still advisable to visit the hospital and get in contact with a lawyer to ensure that you are covered on all fronts. Some internal injuries do not seem serious from the outside condition of your body. Double-checking with a doctor is the best way to ensure everything is truly OK. 

Even if your injuries aren’t obviously serious, a car accident lawyer in Washington DC can still be a good resource to have on hand. Even minor injuries or less visible ones can be important to a case, so it’s a good idea to make sure that all the information is recorded and nothing gets overlooked. 

  • You Won’t Get Much From a Claim If You Weren’t Seriously Injured

There are many reasons why you may be entitled to recover costs from a car accident. Your injuries may be related to mental health and trauma resulting from the accident, or there may be damage done that takes time to come to the surface.

Even if there aren’t any obvious broken bones, bleeding, or other graphic injuries at the time of the crash, it is a good idea to get a checkup and wait to see how you feel in the following days. With modern medical knowledge being more accessible than ever before, most jurors understand that injuries and their associated costs can go far beyond what is visible on a surface level. A car accident lawyer in Washington DC can help you make sense of what you’ve been through and how it translates to what you are legally entitled to. 

  • Insurance Companies Are Always On Your Side

While it would be nice if this was true, insurance companies do not always have your best interests in mind. Often legal assistance from a car accident lawyer in Washington DC is needed to ensure that you are treated fairly and given the compensation you deserve. At the Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C, we understand that you may need someone to help you work with insurance companies to get what you need.

Contact Our Washington DC Car Accident Lawyer Today

With all the misinformation that exists, it can sometimes be hard to know what move to take after a car accident. If you find yourself feeling confused and overwhelmed, a car accident lawyer in Washington DC in The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C may be able to help.


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