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The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C.
car accident lawyer DC

What Happens When You Are Convicted of Drunk Driving

Drinking and driving are never acceptable. The risk of injury to you or someone else is the reason it’s against the law. Perhaps you got behind the wheel thinking you were within the legal limit, or you have a problem you’re trying to get under control. Regardless, being caught drunk driving can affect you in many ways. Speak to our DC car accident lawyer today to begin mounting your legal defense with confidence and experience.

  • Your Insurance Premiums Could Rise

Insurance companies base the amount they charge customers on the perceived likelihood they’ll be in a wreck. The moment these companies find out someone is guilty of DWI, that person gets categorized as being high-risk, and higher premiums follow. Attorneys at The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C. put your actions in the best light possible, thus reducing the odds this happens to you.

  • Your Punishment Could Involve Fines

Getting charged with DUI can be expensive. Paying off the ticket issued by the arresting officer might be only the beginning. Likely, you’ll also face court fines. Should your actions cause property damage, you may need to compensate for those losses. Paying reparations for someone’s injury or death can be financially ruinous. 

  • Your License Could Be Revoked

Driving is a privilege, not a right. One condition of being found guilty could be the loss of your license. Relying on others and public transportation to get places is seriously inconvenient. A car accident lawyer in DC can argue before a judge that you must retain the ability to get around for the sake of children or taking care of a loved one.

  • Your Boss Could Fire You

A criminal conviction could be a reason for termination. Those in positions where a lack of sobriety creates liability are especially at risk. Doctors and full-time drivers are good examples. If your job depends on having a professional license, the board responsible for who deserves them could take yours away. Let The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C. work to prevent these scenarios from occurring.

  • Your Criminal Conviction Could Be a Hindrance

Being convicted prevents you from owning a gun or even voting. When seeking employment, you’re required to inform potential bosses of your criminal past, which makes bouncing back from losing your job even more difficult.

Contact Our DC Car Accident Lawyer Today

If you find yourself facing charges of driving under the influence, having the right legal representation on your side is crucial. An experienced lawyer can provide the guidance, advocacy, and knowledge that you need. Find a car accident lawyer in DC if you face drunk driving charges. Having an experienced legal representative on your side is the best way to escape conviction and everything that comes with it. For more information on how we can assist you with your case, contact the Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C. today to schedule your consultation with our experienced team of attorneys.


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