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The Law Firm of Frederick J. Brynn, P.C.
child custody lawyer

Over time, circumstances can change for both parents and children, making it necessary to revisit and modify an existing child custody agreement. Courts typically aim to create custody arrangements that are in the best interests of the child, but what was suitable at the time of the divorce or separation may no longer work down the road. Whether due to a change in a parent’s work schedule, relocation, or changes in the child’s needs, there are several valid reasons to modify a custody agreement.

Parents may seek a modification when one party’s ability to care for the child changes significantly. For example, a job that requires more travel or relocation can impact the time a parent can dedicate to their child. In some cases, a child’s needs may change as they grow older, such as requiring different schooling or medical care that one parent is better equipped to handle. In these situations, working with a child custody lawyer can help ensure that the modified agreement addresses all necessary adjustments.

Filing For Custody Modification

The process of modifying an existing child custody agreement typically begins with filing a request with the court. Both parents have the option to file a motion, but the requesting party must demonstrate that there has been a significant change in circumstances since the original order was made. Courts are generally reluctant to modify custody agreements without compelling reasons, as stability is important for the child’s well-being.

Once the request is filed, the court will review the current arrangement and determine whether the proposed changes are in the child’s best interests. This decision will take into account factors like the child’s emotional, educational, and physical needs, as well as the parents’ ability to meet those needs. Attorneys can attest to how important it is to present a clear and well-documented case for modification, whether you’re seeking more custody time or proposing a new visitation schedule.

Negotiating An Amicable Agreement

While court intervention is sometimes necessary, many parents prefer to negotiate custody modifications outside of the courtroom whenever possible. If both parents agree that a change is needed, working together to come up with a new arrangement can often save time, stress, and legal fees. Mediation is a useful tool in these situations, allowing parents to discuss their concerns and come to a mutually beneficial solution with the help of a neutral third party.

If an agreement is reached, the modified custody terms must still be submitted to the court for approval. This ensures that the new arrangement is legally binding and enforceable. A lawyer can assist with this process, ensuring that all paperwork is properly prepared and filed with the court.

What Happens If One Parent Objects

In cases where one parent opposes the requested modification, the process becomes more complex. When this happens, the court will likely schedule a hearing to review the evidence and hear testimony from both parents. Each party will have the opportunity to explain why the current arrangement should or should not be changed.

The parent seeking the modification will need to show the court how the current custody arrangement no longer serves the child’s best interests, while the other parent may present evidence supporting the current order. In high-conflict situations, the court may also appoint a guardian ad litem or child custody evaluator to assess the situation and provide recommendations to the judge.

Seeking Legal Assistance

Modifying a child custody agreement is often necessary when life changes make the original arrangement impractical or unsuitable for the child’s current needs. Whether both parents agree or a court hearing is required, it’s essential to approach the process with the child’s well-being in mind. Our friends at Attorney Bernie discuss how having a lawyer can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that your modification request is handled properly. If you’re considering a modification, reach out to legal professionals who can guide you through the next steps and work to protect your family’s best interests.


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