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When you have suffered an injury while you were at work, it can affect your life in many ways. As a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer knows, accident victims often have to go through a number of obstacles if they hope to be covered for their expenses. When you are unable to go to work because of an injury, you may have many things to worry about, such as how to pay the bills, do basic tasks, and care for your family. Fortunately, worker’s compensation benefits cover a wide range of injuries that workers’ commonly sustain, such as the ones described below. 

Back Injuries

Workers often suffer back injuries, especially when they work in construction, warehouse environments, medical fields, or other industries that demand lifting or carrying objects or people. Constantly moving or lifting heavy weight can strain the spine and back, which can result in injuries. 


Burns are common injuries reported in worker’s compensation claims. There are many types of burns that a worker can suffer, such as heat, electrical and radiation. A burn can be caused by direct contact with a chemical, steam, hot wire, or other type of material. Factories, restaurants, and industrial worksites are common places where workers can suffer serious burn injuries.  

Repetitive Motion Injuries 

Doing the same task every day can gradually result in wear and tear on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Conditions like Carpal tunnel syndrome are common injuries sustained by workers who have a sedentary desk job. Muscle sprains and tears are also common among workers. Tasks that have frequent repetitive motion can cause injuries that can prevent workers from doing their job. 

Slip and Falls

A common type of injury in worker’s compensation claims includes leg injuries that occur from slip, trip and falls. Just about every type of work environment can produce hazards which can result in a serious slip and fall accident. Some examples include construction workers who suffer an injury after falling, workers trip and fall due to loose and exposed wires on the ground. Injuries include ankle sprains, knee sprains, hip fractures, leg fractures.  

If you are not sure whether your on the job injury is covered under work’s compensation, reach out to a lawyer and they can give you helpful information. Discuss your case with a trusted worker’s compensation lawyer by calling our office now. 


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